123Sponsor – Find a Sponsor for : Photograph Native American Reservations



Project: Individual

Residence: United States

Audience: Worldwide

Need: 15.000 €

Number of fans: 1

Camille ROSS

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Photograph Native American Reservations

Skills & expertise

I am a photographer and photographic educator, I teach and develop traveling darkrooms and digital photography. I am a fine art and documentary photographer, and designer. I have extensive extensive experience working with multicultural students of all ages. I am an award winning exhibiting artist with over 25 years of exhibition and teaching experience. Afterhours Books is publishing a book of my work this year.

The project

I am planning on visiting several Native American Reservations, since I am a NA Photographer where I hope to set up darkrooms and distribute cameras to the residents to teach them photography so that they can, under my teaching skills comprised of myriad creative assignments, document their lives and experiences of reservation life to bring in the form of an exhibit their daily life experiences into the art world in the form of traveling exhibitions.

Each reservation will be featured thus the experience of contemporary Native life can be shared in the context of the museum with the public at large, bringing forth the marginalization of our people into the light, the traveling exhibit that I will develop with major participating museums will be in partnership with our vision to shed light on years of hardship that my people have experienced.
Bringing my people out of the darkness and into the light where they can express both the challenges and the joy of being Native American today.

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Visibility for my sponsor

Through exhibitions in major museums where the National Endowment of Art has expressed support in my project. I’ve also worked as a publicist so my PR skills are excellent and will be very helpful. I also plan to procure funding for a publication of our exhibit, Native Light.

Requested material or service

Analog and digital SLR cameras. I may be able to procure donations from several camera manufacturers which I’ve done in the past. Darkroom equipment, I plan on living in each of the five reservations

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Camille Ross

Camille Ross